Dell BelewMinistries

The Reverend Dr. Dell Belew, Ordained Minister

If you would like more information about my ministerial services, including counseling, please fill in the form below and send via email to All correspondence is private and secure.

Genesis One Ministries [aka Dell Belew Ministries] is founded on the basic tenets of the Christian faith as written in the Holy Scriptures and affirmed in The Apostle's Creed:
"I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ our Lord who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate,was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come

to judge the quick and the dead.
 I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of the saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen."

Established March 2, 1999
Under the auspices of
The Missionary Church International
and The Missionary Methodist Church.
Reverend Dr. Dell Belew is an ordained minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ with full authority to administer the ordinances of the church and perform all duties to which a minister of Christ is called. These credentials (reviewed and issued yearly) are presently valid through the last day of December 2020.

The Rev. Dr. Belew served four United Methodist Churches as a part-time and student Local Pastor in 1993-94 and 1998-99. Her ministry continues online and through offering the sacraments of weddings,

funerals, and communion.

I am available for officiating at weddings, funerals, baptisms, communion, and any other requests within the teachings of the Scriptures. I am available to speak or teach on a variety of subjects listed under the "Services" page of this website. My primary ministry at the present time is in writing. I invite you to visit my Bookstore page for a listing of my most recent publications with descriptions. The books are intended as ministry tools and can be obtained through contact with me directly or and Barnes and Noble both in print and ebooks. I am writing a devotional for 2015 that will be published at the end of the year, but the daily devotionals are on my two Facebook pages: and if you wish to have them each day. As a further extension of this ministry, I offer vlogs on a variety of subjects available by writing to me at and scattered about this website for your perusal.

I am also available for premarital counseling prior to marriage when I am officiating, marital counseling after the wedding, and personal Biblical counseling. There is a small fee for counseling.

Dell Belew Ministries is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit ministry and donations are greatly appreciated and tax deductible.  Please email me for instructions to use PayPal.

A SPECIAL WORD FOR MAY 15: I would like to believe, in fact, I do believe that God anoints my words as I write and speak, but on a few occasions He has given me what I call prophecies. I located a word given through me 19 years ago--today, May 15th.

I found it a few months ago and had it in a stack to type because the old copy is not in a current file on my computer. Today I decided to just do it--then I looked at the date at the top, "May 15, 1996." No coincidence, perhaps! I paste it here for you to read. Remember that our time is not God's time but we are closer today than we were 19 years ago to this happening. Men's hearts are not only failing them for fear but also hardening against all that is Truth:

A prophecy of May 15, 1996

Just as I had to place my chosen spokesmen at certain intervals of time to see the fulfillment of my plan before Jesus came to redeem my people Israel, I have put certain people in places where my voice needs to be heard. The time of famine is quickly approaching when men’s hearts will be failing them for fear while their bodies begin to experience hunger pangs. What will they have to sustain them if they have not stored up spiritual food during the times of spiritual prosperity?

Long before the famine in America has an impact on the physical bodies, men’s spirits are already hungry. They are reaching out for many other spirits to fill their hunger, but I AM is the only sufficiency for the eternal, everlasting sustenance that will carry them through the time of famine.

Lack and fear will be the enemies of your soul as the time of my coming draws near. The Enemy fears the oncoming flood of saints arrayed spiritually for battle, so his strongest weapons are the fear and doubt of the ability of the Most High God, the Holy One of Israel to meet your physical, financial, and spiritual needs. Never in the history of mankind has there been more prosperity but prosperity with troubles. Yes, Beloved, troubles of every kind will make people—my people—harden their hearts toward me because their trouble is laced with the fear and doubt of my provisions.

My children, wake up out of your spiritual sleep! Do not rely on your past experience with me. This is a new day. My mercy and faithfulness are new every day. Do not hold onto old ways of seeing and believing if they are not revealing my glory for this present day. My glory and my presence abide in my essence. Remember that I told my servant Moses that my name, therefore my character, is I AM. Your life with me is moment by moment from glory to glory—in the present time.

Seek me diligently when you have believed I AM, remembering what I have done for the saints of old and for you; in these last days, seek my face, my voice, my wisdom moment by moment. In my presence is fullness of joy. In my presence is the full provision to perform my will in you and for you. In my presence is the meat of the Word that gives you strength to feed others who know not how to seek me. When you whet their appetites for the good pleasures of my presence, they too will seek me. Let the fatness of your spirits be an example to their anorexic spirits.

Many around you are starving for the meat—the protein—of my Word but have no idea where to get it. I will show you as you reach out to me, even in your lack, how to feed others and how to fight off the vultures as Abraham did over his sacrifice to me.

Put away the world’s provisions; they are crumbling for they have no substance and no foundation. I’m shaking the church now with my presence and my glory. There is coming a day very soon when my wrath will crumble the earth under the feet of those who cling too tightly to it.

Therefore, lighten your steps as you travel this earthly kingdom; loosen your grip on worldly affairs and worldly people lest you fall between the cracks left by my wrathful quake.

When the shaking ends, I will stand only with those who trusted in me. Be not content with traditional or social ideas about me. Know me. Worship me in holiness. For truly I say, I am taking my saints to a new, higher level where the air is too thin for those who do not experience refreshing in the Holy Air of my Spirit. Climb up higher. Do not fear lack. Your Holy Ghost oxygen tank will be filled as you come unto me.